The only major work on Oglethorpe published in Britain
is “James Edward Oglethorpe, imperial idealist” by
Amos Aschbach Ettinger (OUP 1936). Although slightly out of date
this is still the most comprehensive story of his life and times
published on either side of the Atlantic. It is particularly strong
on references to original sources.
The following is a very brief selection of works recently published
in the USA:-
Mills Lane (Ed.) General Oglethorpe’s Georgia – Colonial
1733-1743. (Beehive Press, Savannah 1975, reprinted 1990)
2. Edward J Cashin (Ed.) Setting out to begin a new world. Colonial
Georgia, a documentary history. (Beehive Press, Savannah 1995)
3. Phinizy Spalding and Harvey H Jackson (Eds.) Oglethorpe in
perspective – Georgia’s founder after two hundred
(University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa 1985)
4. Phinizy Spalding Oglethorpe in America (University of Georgia
Press, Athens 1984)
5. John C Inscoe (Ed.) James Edward Oglethorpe – New perspectives
on his life and legacy, a Tercentenary Commemoration. (Georgia
Historical Society 1997)
From time to time there are articles on Oglethorpe and
his times in The Georgia Historical Quarterly, the journal of
the Georgia Historical Society, Savannah.
Godalming Museum’s library contains a very comprehensive
collection of books on Oglethorpe and on Georgia.