Visit to Augusta and Savannah 2003 by the Friends of Oglethorpe

A successful ten-day visit hosted by ex-mayor Charles Devaney for the unveiling of the long awaited statue of Oglethorpe in Augusta, commissioned by Augusta Tomorrow, was made by 15 members from Godalming and Cranham. It was led by Oglethorpe’s 43rd successor as MP for Haslemere, the Rt Hon Virginia Bottomley, Godalming’s Mayor and Mayoress, Danny and Peggy Denningberg and Peter Gardner, Mayor of the London Borough of Havering in which Cranham is located. The visit was initiated by an invitation to Virginia to unveil the statue.

We received an extremely warm welcome notably because of friends in Augusta but also because of the UK support of America despite the non-political tone of the speeches. We received the usual superb Southern hospitality which included a superb cocktail party on the evening of our arrival.

The actual event was wet and windswept but was dignified and uplifting and recognised the historical link between our two countries. Many people were dressed colourfully in period costume for the unveiling of the statue of General James Oglethorpe as he was in 1733, in civilian dress. Speeches were made and gifts presented by the dignitaries of our party, including Father Tom Page of Cranham Church. Peter Gardner added much to the occasion, being fully robed, much to the envy of Augusta’s mayor, Bob Young. Unfortunately Danny could not manage to bring his robes, merely his chain of office.

The unveiling was followed by a magnificent lunch given by Historic Augusta Incorporated and Augusta Tomorrow Incorporated for the great and the good of Augusta honouring the delegation from The Friends of Oglethorpe in Godalming and Cranham. Virginia as principal guest and speaker made a great statesmanlike speech which was well received.

A further three days were spent in Augusta, culminating in a formal visit to St Pauls Church followed by a reception and final lunch at the Radisson Hotel before departure. Most of the party travelled on to Savannah for the last five days where again we were generously welcomed and entertained with events organised and coordinated by Lisa White of the Georgia Historical Society.

On the 12th of February, Georgia Day, every year Savannah stages a procession. We were invited by the Georgia Historical Society to join the leaders of the procession, preceded by a cocktail party the night before and the traditional breakfast gathering. The theme this year was the three Royal Governors (in charge after Oglethorpe left and before the revolution). Around 3500 children joined the procession, dressed appropriately to the theme. Afterwards we joined the Georgia Day luncheon.
We were officially welcomed by both Augusta’s and Savannah’s mayors in their chambers.

Further pictures of the visit can be seen in the gallery.